Luke Moore Tutoring
Expearienced tutor for all grades math online and in-person
About Me
I am in Hyattsville Maryland area.
I do both in-person and online tutoring for 5 years.
I have tutored elementary through graduate-level students for over 1000 hours.
Algebra Pre/I/II
Calculus (AP AB & College Level)
Linear Algebra
Algebraic StructuresOther:
Physics (I, II, AP)
Chemistry (AP)
Statistics (AP)Test Prep:
PSAT (Math)
HSPT (Math)
SAT (Math)
Past Clients:
Ira Dewi - Mother of 7th grade math student
Luke has been an incredible math tutor for my daughter! His relaxed, approachable teaching style made it easy for her to understand even the toughest concepts, and her math skills have noticeably improved. He encourages her to think critically and solve problems independently, which has boosted her confidence. We’re so grateful for his guidance and support.Sophia - High School Student
Luke is the best math tutor I have worked with. Throughout my junior and senior years of high school, he helped me transform my struggling math grade into one I felt proud of on my college applications. He is extremely patient, encouraging, and truly pushes me toward solving problems without handing out the answer, which is very rewarding. I went into our sessions feeling overwhelmed and afraid of making mistakes, but I came out of them feeling more confident than before. Not only did his teaching style help me understand math better, but he also helped me improve my overall critical thinking skills which I now carry in my day-to-day life and classes as a now 3rd year college student! I am very thankful for his consistent help and encouragement throughout my schooling journey.
Book Me Now!
Rate is $40/hour
Online sessions are on Zoom (Link provided)
In-person sessions location provided with booking
Cash, Credit, Venmo, PayPal, or CashApp accepted.
Book Me Now!
Contact Me
Custom sessions, setup reoccurring meetings, or other questions.
Thank You
For more questions you may contact [email protected]
Thank You
For payment:
Venmo: Luke-Moore-74
PayPal: [email protected]
CashApp: $LukeOwenMooreNo show: expects full payment